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How to start a ketogenic diet?

Many people are now starting to be interested in eating ketogenic foods, whether for weight loss or health reasons. Today we will provide knowledge for anyone who wants to eat ketogenic foods, on how to eat them. What is ketogenic? Keto or ketogenic is a weight

What are some keto foods ?

A good keto diet should be fresh, unprocessed food with good fats or monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as omega 3 as the main component. Food sources with good fats are as follows: Low-carbohydrate food groups What are the benefits and advantages of the keto diet ? Helps

Ketogenic Diet: Eat Good Fats to Lose Weight

The ketogenic diet is a diet that focuses on increasing the intake of good fats, with a reduced proportion of carbohydrates and moderate protein. This allows the body to process the metabolism of energy from carbohydrates to fat instead. Eating a keto diet lowers blood sugar

Interpretation of blood pressure values

Blood pressure values is made up of two numbers. The top number, or systolic, is the pressure of the blood when the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. The bottom number, or diastolic, is the pressure of the blood when the heart

Smoking…all sorts of diseases that destroy the lungs

Smoking affects many respiratory systems. It is considered to be very dangerous to the “lungs”. When smoking, it affects the entire upper respiratory system, from the nose, throat, trachea, and neck, to the respiratory system in the chest, the lower respiratory tract, and deep into

Avocado menu, healthy people can’t miss it!

Nowadays, the trend of health consciousness has affected our way of life, lifestyle, and even food. Therefore, the versatility of avocado plays a major role in healthy food and is outstanding in appetizers, which can be used to create a variety of delicious and nutritious menus. The avocado

How to eat healthily in the style of office workers.

The lives of most office workers require sitting in front of a computer for 8-9 hours without much movement. Many of you may not pay attention to what you eat, focusing on easy-to-find, convenient food, such as fast food or fried food. If you don’t

Visceral fat and its health effects.

Visceral fat: The right amount of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area or other parts of the body will help keep the body warm, protect against shock, and is usually not dangerous. However, the opposite is true for abdominal fat. If it accumulates in large

Starting to eating clean food is not difficult.

For eating clean food, it is food that has a low calorie content and ingredients that emphasize nutritional value. It usually uses ingredients that are low in fat, low in sugar and high in protein, such as vegetables, fruits, high-protein foods such as fish, chicken,